This year we have introduced two new sporting initiatives to help increase physical activity and develop new leadership skills in our students.

Fitter Future

Fitter future is a sporting initiative that helps raise the amount sporting participation whilst increasing the amount of physical activity in our students. They consist of 10-minute videos where students are able to take a break and engage in some exercise. These videos can be used anytime in the school day as well as wet break times.

Every student has their own login which means they can use this initiative at home during the weekends and holidays or any other time should they wish. Our staff can track their progress and award them certificates for all of their hard work and dedication to becoming healthier through exercise.

Playground Leaders - Playmaker Awards

The internationally recognised Playmaker award has been introduced this year at BISL to help our Primary school children develop their leadership skills.

Children interested in the award will take a course led by Mr Griffin, which consists of 6 hours, and will include both theory and practical work. Students will work through a course Journal and take their first steps in leading fun and engaging games and activities to their peers. The Journals will be assessed before students are awarded their internationally recognised certificates.

Additional information regarding this initiative can be found on the Sports Leaders website.