World Scholars Cup
Block 3 started with some of our secondary students finding themselves at Yale University in New Haven, USA, as they competed for championship places in the World Scholars Cup. This fantastic journey started in February with 37 students competing in Ljubljana, 18 students going onto the global round in Kuala Lumpur and 9 students reaching the the final in Yale and leaving with medals and trophies too numerous to carry.
The Holiday Season was also upon us with wonderful creative decorations adorning the school, festive tunes being hummed along the corridor and a Secondary Christmas Show ready to perform.
Christmas Bazaar
An extravaganza in the form of the Christmas Bazaar was organised by the PTA at which delicious savories, traditional sweets, games and music came together and created a wonderful opportunity for us all to get together as one big community. Year 9 Geography students also had a sumptuously filled Fair Trade table organised as part of their classwork.
The 3 Winter Godfathers (trije zimski botri), a charitable organisation that supports underprivileged and deprived children in Slovenia at christmas time, visited BISL on Thursday to collected the very generous gifts students and parents had donated. There has been quite a remarkable response to the event and it is certain that there were many overjoyed children on Christmas morning this year.
Christmas Show
Secondary students demonstrated their creativity, exuberance and humour at the end of term in the highly entertaining Secondary Christmas Show. We were treated to music, singing, short films and comedy as well as a touching contribution from one class; a filmed seasonal message from relatives from the students’ home countries. A global community indeed!
The talent doesn’t end there however. BIMS students from BISL and beyond the school performed in a season of Christmas Concerts over several weekends.
Art Mock Exam
Year 11 and three Year 10 GCSE Art students completed their Mock Art exam earlier this block, taking a day to make a single piece of artwork in practice for the real event later in the year. It is always a very exciting time of year when we start looking towards the exam season and while it is still a way off, there are many opportunities, such as this, to see the talents, hard work, and dedication starting to pay off.
Geography - Student Leaders
Three Year 9 students gave an excellent presentation to Year 3 about Fair Trade as part of their classwork. The secondary students kept Y3 captivated for 40 minutes with their information Fair Trade is and why it is important to support.
Students learning Slovene as an additional language put their knowledge into practice in the kitchen this block. Years 7-11 followed recipes in Slovene to produce hand-baked goods, and just in time for some Christmas baking at home.
Parents’ Evenings
Parents were able to celebrate their children’s achievements during a very well attended series of Parent/Teacher meetings this block. It was wonderful to see so many families and to have a chance to celebrate their children’s many successes with them.
A new start
Staff Leavers
This block we have had to say fond farewells to three of our teachers in Secondary, Mr. Turner, Ms. Chatwood and Mr. Dickey, as they moved on to pastures new and their presence will be missed. But as every end is a new beginning, we are excited to welcome four new members of staff to the BISL community in January.