Thursday January 27
Please be advised that due to the current rise in Covid-19 cases the Sixth Form Options evening has been moved to an online format.
Thursday 27th January: The A Level Options booklet with information on each subject and the subject selection form is emailed to Year 11 parents and students.
Friday 28th January: Head of Sixth Form will speak to Year 11 students during Form time to explain the subject selection process.
Friday 28th January to Thursday 3rd February: During morning Form time, teachers of optional subjects will go into the Year 11 Form class to speak to students and answer any questions they might have regarding the subjects and their choices.
Friday 18th February: Option forms are due back to the Head of Secondary.
Students are encouraged to view the Information booklets and consider their options carefully, and then prepare any questions for the subject teachers. Students are also encouraged to speak directly with teachers at school in order to make the most informed choices for themselves. We will continue to support students as they consider their options at this time, and are also very happy to receive any questions from parents as well.