On this page you'll find an informative bank of our curriculum plans for the academic year across the school

Whole School Themes – Blocks

Throughout the year, in each Block, we will be showcasing various subject areas across the school. These whole school themes are designed to bring our Primary and Secondary curriculum together, with students taking part in joint activities, challenges and competitions.

Block Theme

Block 1

Planning for Tomorrow

Block 2

The World around us

Block 3

Opportunities for Everyone

Block 4

The Working World

Block 5

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Block 6

Keep it Green, Keep it Clean

Block 7

Better Together

Year 7

SubjectOverviewTextbook / Resources


Year 7 English

Year 7 English

Skills in Fiction 1by Wendy Wren and Geoff Reilly (ISBN: 9780748765423)

MathematicsYear 7 MathematicsMathematics Stage 7 For Cambridge Secondary 1 by Patrick Kivlin (ISBN: 9781408519837)
ScienceYear 7 ScienceComplete Biology for Cambridge Secondary 1 by Pam Large (ISBN: 9780198390213)

Complete Chemistry for Cambridge 1 by Philippa Gardom Hulme (ISBN: 9780198390183)

Complete Physics for Cambridge Secondary 1 by Helen Reynolds (ISBN: 9780198390244)

Art & DesignYear 7 Art & DesignN/A

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Computer Science

- Year 7 Computer Science

online resources used throughout the KS3 course
FrenchYear 7 FrenchStudio 1 Pupil Book (11 - 14 French) by Anneli Mclachlan and Clive Bell (ISBN: 9780435026967)
GeographyYear 7 GeographyGeog.1 by Rosemarie Gallagher, 4th Edition (ISBN: 9780198393023)
HistoryYear 7 HistoryInvasion, Plague and Murder by Aaron Wilkes (ISBN: 9780198393184)
MusicYear 7 MusicOpus 1: Progression in Music 11 - 14 by Steve Block et al (ISBN: 9780435812089)
Physical Education

- Year 7 PE


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SloveneYear 7 Slovene Foundation

Year 7 Slovene Intermediate
- Year 7 Slovene Advanced

Natives use a collection of resources given by the teacher


Čas za slovenščino 1 by Mihaela Knez et al (ISBN: 9789612377724)

Year 8
SubjectOverviewTextbook / Resources
EnglishYear 8 EnglishSkills in Fiction 2 by Wendy Wren and Geoff Reilly (ISBN: 9780748769476)

- Year 8 Mathematics

Mathematics Stage 8 For Cambridge Secondary 1 by Patrick Kivlin (ISBN: 9781408519868)

- Year 8 Science

Complete Biology for Cambridge Secondary 1 by Pam Large (ISBN: 9780198390213)

Complete Chemistry for Cambridge 1 by Philippa Gardom Hulme (ISBN: 9780198390183)

Complete Physics for Cambridge Secondary 1 by Helen Reynolds (ISBN: 9780198390244)

Art & Design

- Year 8 Art & Design


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Computer Science

- Year 8 Computer Science

Online resources used throughout the KS3 course

- Year 8 French

Studio 2 Vert Pupil Book (11 - 14 French) by Clive Bell and Anneli Mclachlan (ISBN: 9780435026936)

- Year 8 Geography

Geog.2 by Rosemarie Gallagher, 4th Edition (ISBN: 9780198393030)

- Year 8 History

Renaissance, Reform, Revolution by Aaron Wilkes (ISBN: 9780198393207)

- Year 8 Music

Opus 2: Progression in Music 11 - 14 Student Book by Marie Cherry et al (ISBN: 9780435812300)
Physical Education

- Year 8 PE


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Year 8 PSHE


SloveneYear 8 Slovene Foundation

Year 8 Slovene Intermediate
- Year 8 Slovene Advanced

Natives use a collection of resources given by the teacher


Čas za slovenščino 2 by Mihaela Knez et al (ISBN: 9789612377755)

Year 9
SubjectOverviewTextbook / Resources
EnglishEnglish Y9 2023 24

- English Y9

Skills in Fiction 3 by Wendy Wren and Geoff Reilly (ISBN: 9780748769513)
MathematicsMathematics Y9 2023 24

- Mathematics Y9

Mathematics Stage 9 For Cambridge Secondary 1 by Patrick Kivlin (ISBN: 9781408519899)
ScienceYear 9 Science

- Year 9 Science

Complete Biology for Cambridge Secondary 1 by Pam Large (ISBN: 9780198390213)

Complete Chemistry for Cambridge 1 by Philippa Gardom Hulme (ISBN: 9780198390183)

Complete Physics for Cambridge Secondary 1 by Helen Reynolds (ISBN: 9780198390244)

Art & DesignYear 9 Art & Design

- Year 9 Art & Design


BISL Art Instagram

Computer Science

- Year 9 Computer Science

online resources used throughout the KS3 course
FrenchYear 9 French

- Year 9 French

Studio 3 Rouge Pupil Book (11-14 French) by Clive Bell and Anneli Mclachlan (ISBN: 9780435026943)
GeographyYear 9 Geography Geog.3 by Rosemarie Gallagher, 4th Edition (ISBN: 9780198393047)
HistoryYear 9 History

- Year 9 History

Technology, War and Independence by Aaron Wilkes (ISBN: 9780198393214)
MusicYear 9 Music

- Year 9 Music

Opus 3: Progression in Music 11 - 14 by Rob Blythe et al (ISBN: 9780435812508)
Physical Education

- Year 9 PE


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SloveneYear 9 Slovene Foundation

Year 9 Slovene Intermediate

- Year 9 Slovene Advanced Overview

Natives use a collection of resources given by the teacher


Gremo naprej by Ivana Petric Lasnik et al (ISBN: 9789612373108)

Years 10 - 11
SubjectOverviewTextbook / Resources


EnglishYear 10 English
Year 11 English
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams

Purple Hibiscus by Purple Hibiscus (ISBN: 9780007189885)

MathematicsYear 10 Mathematics
Year 11 Mathematics
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended by Ric Pimentel, Terry Wall, Fifth edition (ISBN: 9781398373914)
BiologyYear 10 Biology
Year 11 Biology
Cambridge IGCSE® & O Level Complete Biology: Student Book Fourth Edition (ISBN: 9781382005791)

- Year 10 Chemistry

- Year 11 Chemistry

Cambridge IGCSE® & O Level Complete Chemistry: Student Book Fourth Edition (ISBN: 9781382005852)
PhysicsYear 10 Physics
Year 11 Physics
Cambridge IGCSE® & O Level Complete Physics: Student Book by Stephen Pople, Fourth Edition (ISBN: 9781382005975)
Art & DesignYear 10 Art & Design
Year 11 Art & Design

BISL Art Instagram

Computer Science

- Year 11 Computer Science

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Computer Science Programming Book for Python by Chris Roffey (ISBN: 9781316617823)

FrenchYear 10 French
Year 11 French
Cambridge IGCSE French Student Book by Chevrier-Clarke et al, Third Edition (ISBN: 9781510447554)
GeographyYear 10 Geography
Year 11 Geography
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Geography by Paul Guiness and Garrett Nagle, 3rd Edition (ISBN: 9781510421363)
EconomicsYear 10 Economics
Year 11 Economics
Cambridge IGCSE Economics Student’s Book by James Beere (ISBN: 9780008254094)
HistoryYear 10 History
Year 11 History
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level History. Option B: The 20th Century by Ben Walsh, Second Edition (ISBN: 9781510421189)
MusicYear 10 Music
Year 11 Music
Year 11 PSHE
Physical Education

- Year 10 PE

- Year 11 PE


BISL Sport Instagram

SloveneYear 10 Slovene Foundation
Year 10 Slovene Advanced
Year 11 Slovene Advanced
Natives use a collection of resources given by the teacher


Naprej pa v slovenščini by Polona Liberšar et al (ISBN: 9789612377250)

Years 12 - 13
SubjectOverview Textbook / ResourcesCode
English LanguageYear 12 English Language
Year 13 English Language
English Language for Cambridge International AS and A Level Coursebook Second Edition (ISBN: 9781108455824)
English LiteratureYear 12 English Literature
Year 13 English Literature
The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai (ISBN: 9780141027289)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams (ISBN: 9780141190280)
Dubliners by James Joyce (ISBN: 9780141182452)
Hamlet by William Shakespeare (ISBN: 9781472518385)
An Experiment with an Air Pump by Shelagh Stephenson (ISBN: 9780413733108)
MathematicsYear 12 Mathematics
Year 13 Mathematics
Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics: Pure Mathematics 1 Coursebook by Sue Pemberton (ISBN: 9781108407144)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics: Pure Mathematics 2 & 3 Coursebook by Sue Pemberton (ISBN: 9781108407199)

BiologyYear 12 Biology
Year 13 Biology
Cambridge International AS & A Level Biology Coursebook with Digital Access by Mary Jones, Richard Fosbery, Jennifer Gregory & Dennis Taylor, Fifth Edition (ISBN: 9781108859028)
ChemistryYear 12 Chemistry
Year 13 Chemistry
Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry Coursebook with Digital Access by Lawrie Ryan & Roger Norris, Third Edition (ISBN: 9781108863193)
PhysicsYear 12 Physics
Year 13 Physics
Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics Coursebook with Digital Access by Sang et al, Third Edition (ISBN: 9781108859035)
Art & DesignYear 12 Art & Design
Year 13 Art & Design

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BusinessYear 12 Business
Year 13 Business
Cambridge International AS and A level Business by Peter Stimpson and Alastair Farquharson, Fourth Edition (ISBN: 9781108903417)
EconomicsYear 12 Economics
Year 13 Economics
Cambridge International AS and A level Economics by Colin Bamford and Susan Grant, Fourth Edition (ISBN: 9781108903417)
GeographyYear 12 Geography

Year 13 Geography

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Geography by Paul Guiness and Garrett Nagle, Third Edition (ISBN: 9781510421363)
HistoryYear 12 History
Year 13 History
Access to History for Cambridge International AS Level by Nicholas Fellows and Mike Wells (ISBN: 9781510448698)
France in Revolution 1774-1815 by Dylan Rees, Sixth Edition (ISBN: 9781510457843)
MusicYear 12 Music
Year 13 Music

Year 13 Psychology

AQA Psychology for A Level Year 1 & AS Student Book by Cara Flanagan, Second Edition (ISBN: 9781912820429)
StatisticsYear 12 Statistics
Year 13 Statistics
Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics: Probability & Statistics 1 Coursebook by Dean Chalmers (ISBN: 9781108407304)
Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics: Probability & Statistics 2 Coursebook by Jayne Kranat (ISBN: 9781108407342)
Physical Education

- Year 12 PE

- Year 13 PE


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