Tjasa Umbreht new

Tjaša Umbreht

Marketing & Admissions Assistant

With a double Master's degree in linguistics and education, and 5 years of experience in digital marketing, Ms Tjaša has embraced the exciting opportunity to become part of the BISL team, and with her bubbly personality and can-do attitude, she has fit right in. Ms Tjaša is always on hand to help deliver the school’s communications strategy effectively, supporting our digital presence with her expertise, and putting her photography skills to good use to document student learning and school events whenever possible. She is also keen to guide families through our admissions process, ensuring that their transition to our community is as informed and seamless as possible.

An avid Harry Potter fan, Ms Tjaša was most excited to learn that not only are all students sorted into Houses here at BISL, but so are our staff - despite no sorting hat here, alas.

All of her free time is taken up by house renovations, reading, and painting.